Salam semua, okay.. brta beknya,,sya llus intvw SPA..mcm x cya tp tu la dya..rezeki dari Allah..n kebetulan jwtn 2 sgt la dkt ngn doktr..guess wat..Pembantu Perubatan..yeeee..i've achieve my victory then..emmm actly not yet..but this is the fresh starter for me..okey,,benti ni dia trick yang mungkin membawa tuah kepada anda..
1. Mula2..dtg awal ke dewan periksa..15 min awl k..kmu kna ambl test..besa2 ja, utk tw personaliti kmu..x silap 75 soalan ke?,,hehe..da x ngat..
2. Ok..pas da bis jwb..dlm 20 min gtu..kmu dbri no giliran n tnggu di panggil dlm dewan temuduga..
3. Mla2 salam..n sapa la,,senyuum..hee
4. Serah semua dokumen kmu terus ke meja penemuduga..JANGAN tunggu diarah..ok!
5. Cara dduk kena tegak..kmu akn duduk jauh dari penemuduga 1 mtr dr meja dorg..
6. Jangan senyum2 kambing,,jangan bersikap Childish..matang n senyum penuh dgn keyakinan..
7. Soalan yang lazim ditanya tugas jwtn kmu yang br lps SPM dya mst tnya ttg F.6..jd sbg tnd usha kmu.. tipu snt la,,ckp ja kmu x msk f.6 n ckp x yakin blh angkt subjk dr aliran yang ditawarkan kpd kmu..Jgn ckp kmu lngsng xdpt twrn f.6..tu nmpk sgt menipu..haha
8. Soalan yg ssh2..xda sbnrnya dlm intvw,,dya cuma akn uji keyakinan n kebijaksanaan kmu menjawab hujahnya,,mgkin soalan berkenaan penykt ada,,tp slh xpa..kmu msh ada peluang..
9. Peluang itu ialah dengan berbicara dengan doktor atau dengan penemudga kmu mengenai isu semasa tp jgn ovr sgt,,skdr menjadi ulam dalam perbicaraan..
10. Bila da hbis intvw..kmu tnjukkan mnt kmu kpd mrka dgn bertanya..trkh keluar kptsn tmdga..atau tnya berapa sem kmu kena lalui..and so..spontan ja k..
11. Jgn lpa ucp terima kasih sbb sudi menemudga kmu n nyatakn hrpn kmu..
Hrp..dpt jga la sya memebantu yaa..ok..wish me lck..kwn sya pn rmai yg dpt..Eyfha,Azlynna,Jamali,Solehan,Eyra Meow..dorg dpt nurse,,
Sapa2 yg dpt intvw,,sya doakan yg terbaik..ok,,mgkin intvw 1st x dpt,,jgn pts asa,,akn ada yg kedua..sbb sya llus pd intvw yg kdua..bgtu jga kwn2 sya,,
Exta Ordinary Twi - Hard Teen
Thursday, 6 June 2013
Friday, 18 January 2013
Assalamualaikum pals..and monink..recently i'm had a lot of made me got a big headache,,hehe,,well not juz that the reasons my campus i fell a bit annoying with my p#inc^pl@ and also the tea*h#r too,,like hellooo..they doesn't want my batch to exist in this nonsns in the world they being jelez with our remarkable treat from our prof..why should them?? smebdy that not important in my life,,like yuks..they always ignoring our nessecery,,always hate us for being soo special in this medium..always unsatisfied with us,,heyy don't they realize that we belong to free and not like blame by any of our junior fault,,its not fair!!!,,we have tried our bez we could,,but its nothing!! matter what we do or did,,that was always being wrong in their eyes,,may one day we can prove 2 them that we are not empty can but we are VICTORIAN....
Wednesday, 28 November 2012
woo..its been a while i leave my site..n now i'm dying 2 watch BD prt 2..such an crazy,,i can't watch the full muve either,,desperate thp dewa dewi..sya m'alu2kan kpd suma pals yg ada BD prt 2 utk d bwa ke lmwn n sya mw mintak..huuuu..pliiiz..wat an obsession is this now i have..huh..
Wednesday, 26 September 2012
Berenang di lautan kekeliruan
Mcm yg da t'tulis kt title 2..dgn duka citanya m'umumkan bhwa aku dlm k'keliruan..Syukur pd Allah sbb angrhkn aku 1 hrpn yg bsr untuk jd slh sorg medical staf ..aku dpt twrn SPA dlm..tuuuut..rhsia,, yg m'btkn aku b'fkir 2 kli tu,,sbbny kn tyme aku intrview 2 sma trikh ngn aku 1st exam..cna 2? emmmmmmmm..sdih yg ptt aku bt?solat istikharah?emmmmmm,,moga2 Allah pertemukan aku dengan jalan penyelesaian..AMIN..n moga2 aku n kwn2 ku yg len dpt lulus dlm tmudga ini..AMIN..
Wednesday, 19 September 2012
Maybe it is the right choice to take her back..Rob
Now we have receive one good news for us twi hard..according to source that we trust..they r on their way to be back the meantime,,Kstew take a counseling to heal her heart and take responsible on her cheated gossip..she said that only Rob can cure her wounded heart by taking her back as her lover.. besides,she wants to give Rob a babies because she truly in love with him..In Rob position..he had been saw meeting with Kstew in private to settle their problem..despite they have never confess their reunion YET..but all of their fans including me,hope to see them achive their happiness forever as in Twilight.. : D
Tuesday, 18 September 2012
Robsten r trying to work things out
Robsten have been reported to be back together..they are in their way 2 have a full reconciled..i am the one who very happy to know,huhu..they both stay together in same house again,,beside..they will walk in red carpet both again in promoting Breaking Dawn Part 2 that will coming soon..don't you get exited robsten fans? may it can heal everyone hurt feelings yeyeh ^ ^...can't wait to watch final BD,,and now we know that every cloud has a silver's ending with fly colour u guyz,,huuu
They R back TOGETHER??
Robsten r back tghtr?a sources told that they can't live wthout each othr..and it seems that they want to live in their love nest in L.A that rumors true? i hope so..cuz it hurt 2 see them suffer together,,huhu..and to cover up robert's broken heart..he bck 2 his option in singing field..u also can check it out in youtube,, his voice is soo mesmerize my soul..huhu..that all 4 today robsten fans..babai..
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